collecting is great hobby and very interesting, collecting may be magazine, stamps, rocks , money, and antique.

when you owned a unique item in bulk is both thrilling and fulfilling, especially when one has been searching for sometimes years for that last piece to complete a collection or series.

Some antique collectors are persuade simply by a connection to history and or to particular items. Others, however, are also encourage by a desire to make their hobby a revenue source. Many antique collectors find themselves appreciating their pastime even more due to its potential financial benefit.

Definition of Antique:

Antique : is an item perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance, and often defined as at least 100 years old (or some other limit), although the term is often used loosely to describe any object that is old.

An antique is usually an item that is collected or desirable because of its age, beauty, rarity, condition, utility, personal emotional connection, and/or other unique features. So it is an object that represents a previous era or time period in human history.

The common meaning of antique is collecting object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age, but it varies depending on the item, its source, the year of its creation.

also the other definition of antique requires that an item should be at least 100 years old and in original condition.

How to start collecting antique?

There are many things to collect. Many new collectors find it hard to choose what collection to begin. It is easy to start collecting.

Most new collectors begin by studying collections, talking to dealers, and browsing antiques stores. Something piques their interest, and they begin building their collection. Some become engrossed with their newfound passion, and build a large, expansive collection.

Some items can be classified as both collectibles and antiques. Tools, for example, might be collectibles, but if old enough, could be rightfully described as antiques.

Some collections are started because they are inexpensive to begin, such as penny or nickel collections.

Types of Antiques to Buy for collection:

There are many different factors as to why specific items are chosen to collect. Some of the reasons that objects are collected include:

1. Cost:

The actual price of the object is within the financial means of the collector.

2. Desire:

The collector’s interest includes a specific yearning or aspiration to acquire objects of a specific type.

3. Passion:

The collector has the drive to acquire the chosen items. Locating objects can be difficult, and the determination to do so is fueled by the collector’s passion and interest in them.

4. Profit:

The collector believes an object can be purchased at a price that allows it to be sold at a profitable turnover.

5. Space considerations:

A collector has limited or unlimited space available to collect and keep acquired objects.

6. Value:

The collector believes the items can be procured at a reasonable or sensible value.

All of this factors can detect how a collector approaches building his or her actual collection.

For example: a collector may have an acute interest in aviation. It could mean collecting all sorts of things related to airplanes. The collection could include actual parts or entire airplanes.

The collector would have to decide if space is available to store and display the planes.

The collector also has to determine if the purchase of the airplanes is within his or her financial means.

These two factors alone could determine that the collector will not acquire planes. Rather, the collector might opt for other related objects, such as uniforms worn by aviators

On the other hand, an aviation collection could be built by acquiring operation manuals or insignia patches. Both alternatives would likely cost less to acquire, and would certainly take less space for storage than full size airplanes.