The art of drawing on glass has been common since ancient times, but it continues to this day with many creations and projects.

Drawing and coloring is one of the joyful things in life, as it helps greatly in discharging negative energy from the body, Drawing contributes to spend the spare time by creating a painting or piece of art instead of wasting time. There are a variety of things that can be painted and exploited to create an artistic thing, including glass and ceramics.

drawing on glass is joyful , and added beautiful touch on the thing ,But in the same time it requires great patience and precision in addition to practice to produce wonderful product .

What is drawing on glass?

Glass surfaces look beautiful when they are smudge-free and virtually transparent.

All you really have to do is decide on if you want to use temporary or permanent ink, choose or create your own design, and then draw directly on the glass.there is another way for drawing on glass : choose the patron for painting and printing it.

How to draw on glass ?

to start the drawing on glass , you should get required material for this process:

– paper or butter

– craft paper

– pencil – Adhesive

– Marker pen or tube

– Color palette

– Special colors for painting on glass

– A paintbrush or eyedropper

– Sponge for cleaning.

For drawing on glass , you can use these steps:

-create a drawing design which is Transparent paper for drawing, where you can draw the pattern with pencil on butter paper , or craft paper.

Use a marker pen to draw the parts of the engraving and wait until completely dry.

– after drying the lines, mark the parts separately , like , if you started with a red color, don’t use another color until you finish all the parts of the red color.

-use brush or dropper to apply the color you want to color into

-after coloring is finished let the work dry for 24 hours in well-ventilated area.

Instructions we must follow for painting on glass

If you want to darken the color, do not apply more color until 12 hours or after it has dried completely.

-Do not pour colors directly over the areas marked with the dropper without
using the brush.

If the drawing is on a mirror,place the inscription on the face of mirror ,
not the back.

If you frame the work , avoid decorative frames, to keep the beauty of the drawing.

when you lighten the color, do not flip it quickly, to avoid air bubbles that spoil the color and shape .

Benefit of drawing on glass

It is great work to practice the hobby of drawing on glass to have joyful and spend your time in wonderful hobby. It could be taken by a profession to get money.

There is another creative hobbies like reading .