Many of us lost too much time in the busy life and its responsibilities and requirements to develop and practice our hobbies that we love.

Many of people thought that the time had passed in thinking in this matter again, but the life always gives us new chances in our kids who always hope to become better than us and luckier than us.

we can Compensate what we missed with our kids by sharing them their hobbies and enjoying with them.

Pursuit of happiness is not something very hard, but we can specialize specific time to spend with our kids.

The interest here is shared between you and your kids, all what we should do enjoying with them without complications and limits.

The importance of hobby:

You can contribute building your kid personality and his future by giving him his freedom and unleash him in practicing the hobby he loves. also get him all what he needs physically and morally, he needs to be redirected and guided, to be caring of his hobby.

The hobby with the kids has more effect than with the adults, the hobby may be a part of adult life but with the kids may be. all their life. That doesn’t need to be worrying if you involve with your kid and sharing him his time and his interests.

The sociology experts advice us to the necessity of giving the kids all chances with time and provide all the available methods ,so it enable our kid to practice their hobbies freely.

If the family pays their attention to their kids hobbies early, it makes great benefits more than they are old, So These benefits have effect in their future life and their personalities than we thought.

There are the following benefits of hobby and the kids

1- The hobby draws their features clearly, increases their happiness, giving them psychological tranquility.

2- It helps the kids to discover their skills and tendencies and develop their intelligence.

3- It hobby makes kids more interactive in social life, even the parents consider it something mess or chaos.

4- It gives the child persistence, tenacity, creativity, enthusiasms, self-confident, independence.

5- It gives the ability to love uniqueness and logical thinking with inquisitiveness or curiosity, strong motivation.

6-It leads to develop the kid’s thinking, his awareness, realization

7-It develops the personality of kids

8- It helps the children to get benefit of their failures during practice the hobby that means it helps them to learn from their faults.

Let your child discover his hobby

Always and forever, we should set our children free to choose their hobbies by trials, making them under control to correct their mistakes or their wrong track without criticize and offending.

The hobby makes the children discover the world, involve them in the adult world, also increase their positive feelings towards themselves and towards they choose to overcome their free time. so boredom which may be fill their life as it makes them feel that they do is very important for better future.